It’s been such a mild winter here in Corning NY, yet I’ve taken fewer walks than ever. Luckily, while vacationing in the Baltimore/D.C. area last month, I got back in the mood and the habit of walking.
Today’s photos were all taken Monday as I strolled through a small part of Corning’s northside. The northside is level ground. Corning’s southside, on the other hand, is mostly uphill -- or downhill, depending on which way you’re headed.
The Benjamin Patterson Inn with this authentic log cabin, built circa 1855...
Rear view of North Baptist Church around the corner from the Inn.
Remember, if you click on a photo, you’ll get an enlarged version and be better able to see the details that led me to take each picture. Here I noticed the fake deer browsing in an empty garden, yet after a closer look, I spotted the sneakers.
Seeds waiting to be blown here and there, where they will then burrow their way into the soil...
St. Patrick’s Day is closer than you think...
These two little cuties like to bark at whatever moves. They’re finally taking a break.
When are you coming to Corning?
You have wonderful photography my friend. It really captures the essence of how calm and relaxing this sweet country town is :)
Choc Chip Uru
Thank you, CCU. Your words, your encouragement, mean a lot to me.