Today is all about more spring images in the midst of cooler weather.
Sometimes it is really difficult to choose a title for these blog entries. This entry includes photos from walks Tuesday through Friday of this week, so I think I’ll just title it with the dates.
Pictured above is a clock on side of the old bank which now houses Tony R’s, a restaurant. The dining area even includes a small private table in a vault. Behind and across the street (Market Street) in this same photo is the clock in Corning’s Centerway Square.
Swinging on the Northside...
Stormy weather passes us by...
The Pizza Hut on Pulteney Street reflects in the glass of a northside Corning Inc. building. Go here to see a series of reflections in Corning Inc. southside buildings.
Beautiful blooming trees found in every part of Corning’s downtown (business) area. Here we look south on Chemung Street. The Union Hall is on the left and beyond it is the hospital block. Unseen on the right is the Radisson.
A glimpse into the Radisson annex...
These trees are on Wall Street which is at the east end of Market Street...
Denison Parkway, former Fran’s Bridal. This south half of the block is to be torn down to build a transportation center.
The Rockwell Museum of Western Art is as lovely when viewed from the rear as it is from the front. Read about ROBERT AND HERTHA ROCKWELL, COLLECTORS OF WESTERN ART .
Corning’s Corningware/Corelle/Revere store. ..
We had a windstorm earlier this week. Didn’t realize how hard it blew until I saw this tree in front of Wegmans. The blooms are beautiful, but because the tree is rotted inside the trunk, it will be cut down.
Pigeons usually flee at first sight of me. These two seemed determined to pose right up to the last second, then fled the scene. (Bridge Street bridge)
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