Friday, March 29, 2013

I Haven’t Seen A Robin Yet

I haven’t seen a robin yet this spring. My tulips are 4-5 inches high and have been growing for at least six weeks in spite of the cold weather. Most of the signs of spring that I do see are the people, in the way they dress. Some bundle up, like me, and others set aside coats, scarves and gloves even on the chilliest days.

This Easter weekend brings us highs in the 40s and 50s, not bad for early spring and if the sun would come out it would be even better for a walk. So far, the sun has yet to appear and it’s already 8 AM.

HOKEY POKEY opens for the season today! Ice cream, gelato, so many fun cold treats.

While we’re waiting for the sun to come out and the robins to arrive, here are some pictures I took around Corning earlier this week.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Who Is That Man And Would You Believe It Is Spring.

I was about twenty feet past this consignment store when I decided I had to back up! He was sleeping in the window display and is surrounded by window reflections, including clouds which look rather ghostly.

I would have cropped this photo closer to show off the birdhouses, but then I noticed the old plow in the foreground.

Corning Inc...

Corning Credit Union...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mid-March in Corning

I never know what to expect when riding on a local bus.

Market Street Coffee and Tea...

Inside MSC&T...

Three dogs walk their humans. On the right are two boxer mixes.

On the left is a terrifying -- wait for it -- pit bull pup!

First Street...

If you saw the March 8 entry, you saw the following photo taken from Lower Pace Road on a southwest hill. I was standing next to a houseboat. Look closely at the bridge. On the left hand (north) side is a patch of white.

In this photo, I’m standing on the bridge in the spot I just pointed out. I’m looking at the southwest hill. See where the highway crosses over the water? Just above is a little clearing and something white. That’s the houseboat I was standing next to when I took the previous photo.

Just a reminder ~ Click on any photo to see an enlarged version and lots of detail.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Early Monday Morning

I had a very early appointment Monday. I usually walk straight east, but this time--in spite of the early morning warmth--decided to take a bus to town then cross the Brisco Bridge, south to north.

I find there is always a good reason for my decisions and in this case, I got to see a beautiful sunrise and crews already at work on Centerway Bridge renovations.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Corning, Campbell, West Hill Road and Sunset Drive

A little color, please, in these final grey and dismal days of winter.

I took a 12 minute bus trip to Campbell, west of Corning, to visit my daughter and her family. First is a photo of the Conhocton River (which becomes the Chemung River in Corning) from a one-lane bridge.

Looks at the long coat that horse is wearing. The horses come right over to the fence to see me, but no closer since they know they’ll get a shock if they touch it.

On another excursion out of Corning, my brother drove us up the Hornby Road and we circled through the hills onto West Hill Road. Corning is in a valley and this area is on the north side.

A partridge was crossing the road, slowly. We stopped and watched. Took lots of pictures. Look closely at the left side. I also like how the picture turned out with the trees reflected in the car's side-view mirror.

Goodbye, partridge...

(Brother took both bird photos since the it was on his side of the car)

A picture-perfect house...

We cut back through Corning and then traveled up Sunset Road, on the south side, which parallels the Chemung River. It becomes Pace Road, then splits into Lower Pace Road and Upper Pace Road. We followed Lower Pace all the way to the NYSE&G Substation, then turned around and drove back the same way.

I’ve taken many pictures of this houseboat from down below, down by the river on the opposite side. Now I got to take a close up of the boat and pictures of the river and north Corning from up on this hill.

The bridge is featured in many of my photos.

Can you see the Little Joe Tower on the right hand side?

More of Corning’s north side along the river.